A pup's desire to chew can be pretty powerful and this need doesn't go away with age! Ideally, none of us want our dogs resorting to table legs or shoes. And for their sake we don't want them turning to sticks and stones outside either. So instead we offer a wide variety healthy, natural chews for your dogs. Below are some different ones we recommend. HOWEVER, please talk to us about your dog specifically. Depending on size, strength and motivation, every dog may have different ideal chews!
- Bully Sticks! - Yeti Chews (Yak Milk Based)
- Cow Ears, Pigs Ears and other yummy parts
- No Hides! (Great Digestible Alternative)
- Marrow Bones (Raw, Smoked, Cleaned or Filled)
- Antlers, Tree Roots and more for the powerful chewers
*While we do sell a small amount of rawhide, we generally do NOT recommend these for the average dog. It is not digestible, and if consumed too fast or in too large of pieces it can cause major digestive issues.